Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

Sunday, May 3, 2015


1. I've learned to let go.

Of the past, because I can't change it.
Of a grudge that I was carrying around that was weighing me down.
Of regretting decisions I've made. 
Of judging myself so harshly.
Of worrying about what other people think of me.
Of always doubting myself.

This list could go on and on, but I think I've finally grown up and can accept myself just the way I am.

2. I've stopped comparing myself to other people.

I finally found out that if I wanted to suffer, the best way to do that was to compare myself to other people. I convinced myself "they" had more than I did, were more than I was, looked prettier than I did, were thinner than I was and that their lives were made up of only happiness and joy.
And the best place to compare yourself is Facebook, from what you eat, your relationships,what your house size, what you earn, and finally what snickers brand ? 

3. I choose to be happy instead of angry and bitter.

How is that possible you ask? Life isn't like that. It has ups and downs and it's very hard to be happy when you're in "the down's."

I agree, but instead of being angry at someone, I remembered that when I point my finger at them for their mistakes, there are three pointing back at me.

I always felt stressed. Everyone told me to get more exercise. I did and it worked. I still feel stressed at times, but the feeling is appropriate for the situation. 

I keep myself on track because I remember these five words: 

I let go of the past.

And finally call to action to you viewers .......

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Emotions of a Week

No, that’s not it at all the emotions ...  We all hate having to get up on a Monday and head into work.  Ok that’s not always true, a lot of people love their jobs, or so they say. But even accepting a level of enjoyment at work, it does not change the fact that Monday morning is about the least popular time there is.

Even if you enjoy your work, you are going from where you want to be, to where you have to be, and probably on not enough sleep.  This morning I was woken at six on a Saturday, which is late in my household,  however, I then got to cuddle my pillows and got back to sleep, before climbing out of bed again at 9 to start the trudge back to reality.  A mug of tea and a shower later I was greeted by the sound of my neighbors TV Arsenal Live commentary.  

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Tip of the day

"If it falls your lot to be a street sweeper, go out and sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures. Sweep streets like Handel and Beethoven composed music. Sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry. Sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will have to pause and say, here lived a great street sweeper who swept his job well.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Some Things You Can Do Monday to Friday

Typically my Monday to Friday is like this ------>

But this Friday after a long exhausted week of training's and work I have found some "me" time to understand the changes   in my life. Keep reading it is coming.

Yes it is Friday evening!! Time is 8:32 pm British Summer Time, lovely weather outside 15 degrees sun is still shinning I am on my way to home :)

Change 1:

If you are regular reader of my blog you must be knowing this. There is no change in my tea habit, tea addiction just increased with up to 8 a day. I think I start my day with a tea even before brushing, then many teas at work and one more before sleep. I know sugar is bad for health but I can't stop having tea so I have stopped adding sugar in tea now and started adding ginger if @ home. Try thinking of a habit in you which needs attention and find a solution. The only person who can change you is yourself.

Change 2:

I started working on my future, start day dreaming and interestingly I am writing it down as well.
Yes future in the sense,
What you want to do next year / next month?
Where do you want to go for holidays?
What to learn? Where should I live / Work in 5 years’ time etc..

My future dreams is in a small paper in my bed side this is first thing I see every day. Try identifying your dreams where ever you are and start small steps to achieve it. Always think lazy mind is devils workshop. If you are having time for gossip means you are losing the time you spend on yourself.

Change 3:

My plan was to get something off my flat. Due to sentimental values towards friends and others I keep many things in flat, which includes some electronics that didn’t work for more than two years, books, old notes, old clothes etc. I have found a recycle point nearby and cluttered many items. Here is the thumb rule, if you got dresses in your wardrobe that you have not used for in the last two years then I should say better give it to someone to use it or give to charity. There is no point in keeping it there for another some more years.

Change 4:

This is an action item for me and you.
  1. Organize your next week.
  2. Decide your grocery if you are the person who cooks and eats most of it. 
  3. Treat yourself with surprises and little pampering. It can be an old movie or a visit to a place nearby you dreamed off.
  4. Position computer table / study table  (See Image )

Finally be happy and contented for the reason you are still alive. Don’t lose the hope in you and strengthen the spirit living in you.

See you guys
As always do commend / email me
Take care have a nice weekend

Best Regards

Friday, August 30, 2013

How to read your hand ?

Palm reading, otherwise known as palmistry or chiromancy, is practiced all over the world. It has its roots in Indian astrology and Roma fortune-telling.The objective is to evaluate a person’s character or future by studying the palm of their hand. Whether you’re an aspiring palm reader or you’re just looking for a fun way to pass the time and impress your friends, here’s how to gain insight just by holding someone’s hand.
Steps :
1) Choose a hand. In palmistry, it is thought that:
  • For females, the right hand is what you’re born with, and left is what you’ve accumulated throughout your life.
  • For males, it is the other way around. The left hand is what you’re born with, and the right is what you’ve accumulated throughout your life.
  • That being said, you can also choose whichever hand is dominant to be your present/past life hand (the non-dominant hand would then be your future life hand).
    • There are different schools of thought on the matter. Some say the left hand shows potential and what could be — not necessarily what will be. And a difference in the hands could mean one is or is about to take action when it comes to their lives, changing it.
2) Identify the four major lines. There may be breaks in them or they may be short, but at least three of them are there.
  • (1) The heart line
  • (2) The head line
  • (3) The life line
  • (4) The fate line (not everybody has this).
 3) Interpret the heart line. This line can be read in either direction (from the pinkie finger to the index finger or vice versa) depending on the tradition being followed. It’s believed to indicate emotional stability, romantic perspectives, depression, and cardiac health. The basic interpretations are as follows:
  • Begins below the index finger – content with love life
  • Begins below the middle finger – selfish when it comes to love
  • Begins in the middle – falls in love easily
  • Straight and short – less interest in romance
  • Touches life line – heart broken easily
  • Long and curvy – freely expresses emotions and feelings
  • Straight and parallel to the head line – good handle on emotions
  • Wavy – many relationships and lovers, absence of serious relationships
  • Circle on the line – sadness or depression
  • Broken line – emotional trauma
  • Smaller lines crossing through heart line – emotional trauma
4) Examine the head line. This represents a person’s learning style, communication approach, intellectualism, and thirst for knowledge. A curved line is associated with creativity and spontaneity, while a straight line is linked with practicality and a structured approach. The basic interpretations are as follows:
  • Short line – prefers physical achievements over mental ones
  • Curved, sloping line – creativity
  • Separated from life line – adventure, enthusiasm for life
  • Wavy line – short attention span
  • Deep, long line – thinking is clear and focused
  • Straight line – thinks realistically
  • Donuts or cross in head line – emotional crisis
  • Broken head line – inconsistencies in thought
  • Multiple crosses through head line – momentous decisions.
5) Evaluate the life line. This begins near the thumb and travels in an arc towards the wrist. It reflects physical health, general well being, and major life changes (for example, cataclysmic events, physical injuries, and relocations). Its length is not associated with length of life. The basic interpretations are as follows:
  • Runs close to thumb – often tired
  • Curvy – plenty of energy
  • Long, deep – vitality
  • Short and shallow – manipulated by others
  • Swoops around in a semicircle – strength and enthusiasm
  • Straight and close to the edge of the palm – cautious when it comes to relationships
  • Multiple life lines – extra vitality
  • Circle in line indicates – hospitalized or injured
  • Break – sudden change in lifestyle
6) Study the fate line. This is also known as the line of destiny, and it indicates the degree to which a person’s life is affected by external circumstances beyond their control.[3] It begins at the base of the palm. The basic interpretations are as follows:
  • Deep line – strongly controlled by fate
  • Breaks and changes of direction – prone to many changes in life from external forces
  • Starts joined to life line – self-made individual; develops aspirations early on
  • Joins with the life line somewhere in the middle – signifies a point at which one’s interests must be surrendered to those of others
  • Starts at base of thumb and crosses life line – support offered by family and friends.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

To Do !

I’m a list person. I love the feeling of crossing things off. It makes me feel productive. You don’t wait to do the work until you get the dream job - you do the work in order to get the dream job.
It’s the list of ten things I try to do every workday. Yes, there are days when I don’t get them all done, but I do my best to deliver. It has proven very effective for me. They are:
  1. Read something related to your industry.
  2. Read something related to business development.
  3. Send two emails to touch base with old colleagues.
  4. Empty private + client inbox by responding to within one business day.
  5. Check in with each team member on their progress.
  6. Have a short non-work related conversation with every co workers.
  7. Review  top three goals for your job and life that are focused on its growth.
  8. Identify and execute one task to support each of my top three goals.
  9. Post five valuable pieces of content on all my major social media accounts.
  10. Take a full minute to appreciate what I have and how far I’ve come.
This list could be longer. BUT...
If it was longer, I wouldn’t be as good at getting them all done. This list is manageable to me. Of course, I do more than these ten things every day. But, these are the ten I choose to do with consistency. Why? Over the years, they’ve proven the best way for me to grow my career. The collective results have made completing these tasks consistently; even when I don’t feel like it, well worth it.

Abstracts from JTO Donell's Article.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Quick Weight Loss FOOD

It is quiet natural, when you think of reducing weight, your craving for food increases, but if you modulate the food intake, it works out well.
I was able to reduce my weight from 68kg to 56 kg and from Size 16 to Size 10, not in one day, but in 3 to 4 months with walking and home cooking habits:)
See the below image to choose what is best to eat.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Fresh !! ( What is that? )

The below article is not penned by me and I am not against supermarkets or its policies.  

But of curiosity I was looking for answers for my below questions

  • Why my milk expires on exact date according to label of the supermarket?
  • How old will that be my milk ?
  • Why I am allergic to some products from New Zealand ?

Answers didn't look great , but I found the truth behind the life of many more stuff and reasons for its fantastic looks.

Most shoppers are prepared to spend more on something in the supermarket if it's labelled 'fresh'. But 'fresh' can be used to describe food that has been heat-treated, partfrozen, industrially or chemically altered and stored for weeks on end. 
Fresh food


Even with the best red meat, there is a long delay between the animal’s death and the arrival of a cut on your plate. This is particularly true in the case of lamb.

The New Zealand lamb now in the shops has travelled 11,000 miles by ship in near-freezing conditions, taking six weeks or more. That means that although it is sold as ‘fresh’ in supermarkets, it is nearly two months old when we eat it. Truth is : if it needs to stay fresh for 6 weeks or more thinks of the preservative added in that !! and that must be the reason I became allergic and sick.

British lamb, by contrast, will be on the shelves within three to four weeks of slaughter.
Good beef should be three or even four weeks old before it reaches the shelves because the flavour and texture of the meat improves if it is hung. 

But other meats are on the shelf sooner: Sainsbury’s says it takes eight days for pork to get from the slaughterhouse to its shelves.  
Anyone's guess: While some meats benefit from aging, many 'fresh' cuts have been semi-frozen for weeks
Retailers know that we look for a fresh red colour in raw meat, and use a number of high-tech tricks to preserve that. Fresh meat may be displayed in ‘modified atmosphere’ packs with harmless gases inside that delay natural discolouring.
Sodium and potassium salts are often added to sausages, salamis and bacon to suppress bacteria and preserve the colour, giving a shelf life of six months or more for some cured meats. 
Most supermarket chicken is four or five days old by the time it arrives on the shelves. But Marks & Spencer says that fresh chicken is on sale the day after slaughter, and then left on sale for nine days.


Anyone who has baked their own bread knows that loaves start to dry and harden within hours. So tricks are needed to keep bread soft for up to ten days on the supermarket shelves and then at home.
Our daily bread: But a loaf can be days old and still remain on the supermarket shelf
Depending on where you live, the bread may take two days to get to a supermarket in the first place.
Most popular sliced brands have preservatives and mould inhibitors such as calcium propionate and ascorbic acid. They may be baked using enzymes that don’t have to be declared on ingredients lists, so beware of labels that say ‘stays fresher longer’.

Recently, Tesco was reprimanded by the Advertising Standards Authority for claiming that its shops sold ‘fresh bread, baked from scratch’ when, in fact, it and other stores often ship in ready-made or part-baked loaves and give them a final turn in an oven.
‘Most supermarkets’ so-called bakeries are nothing more than loaf tanning salons,’ says the Real Bread Campaign’s Chris Young.


Many recipes call for ‘fresh eggs’,  and there can be a big difference in taste and texture. Yet in a Tesco store yesterday, I found shelves being newly stocked with eggs that were already nine days old — which I calculated by subtracting 28 days from the ‘best before’ date.
Legally, eggs can arrive on shop shelves as much as ten days after being laid (‘extra fresh’ means they are less than nine days old). Marks & Spencer promises to get eggs onto the shelves within seven days.
But most professional chefs would insist on eggs less than a week old, because the raw egg becomes more liquid with age and the taste deteriorates.
Although the egg industry now prints a ‘best before’ date on most eggs, it has rejected calls to print the actual laying date. But if you subtract 28 days from the best before date, you can work it out.


One of the few things labelling rules are clear about is that frozen food cannot be sold as fresh. Yet no one can quite work out what the exact definition of ‘frozen’ is — particularly when it comes to fish.
Cod, haddock and other trawled fish from the waters of the north Atlantic may lie on ice for up to 12 days or more while the vessels are at sea before making the long journey to the fishmonger, meaning that by the time it reaches your fridge it could be 16 days old
But, technically, they have never been fully frozen so can still be sold as ‘fresh’. That means they carry the same labelling as fish caught on Britain’s coast, when the time from net to slab can be just 24 hours.
Although you might think this would pose a health risk, the truth is that much of our food is frozen, de-frosted and re-frozen, yet people rarely get ill.
Matters get even more complicated given that some fresh fish must be frozen by law for 24 hours in order to kill parasites. This happens for tuna and prawns that are eaten raw.
The huge tropical prawns now popular for barbecuing and Spanish-style tapas are often called ‘fresh’ even though that is technically not legal. They have usually been frozen previously, and shipped or air-freighted 6,000 miles or more in a process that can take between six weeks and as much as a year, but are then defrosted for sale as if freshly caught.


Once upon a time, you could get fresh fruit juice only by squeezing it yourself. Now shops offer a huge range of juices with shelf lives from two weeks to one year, all of them with either a direct or implied claim to freshness.
The cheapest — and least fresh — is ‘juice made from concentrate’.
That comes from abroad as a syrup that will have been filtered, pasteurised, evaporated and then frozen: the only fresh thing about it is the water added in the factory to reconstitute it. It will then be heat-treated again. Preservatives are often added, and the resulting shelf life can be a year or more.
Juices sold as ‘not from concentrate’ have either been pasteurised with heat, or treated with high pressure and filtering. They usually have a shelf life of a month. According to the Food Standards Agency’s advice to manufacturers, ‘freshly-squeezed juice’ should have a sell-by date no longer than two weeks after processing. And if it has been pasteurised (heat-treated, as milk is), it should say so, though it is often very hard to find the small print.
Some bottled ‘freshly-squeezed juice’ is exactly that — and has a much shorter life as a result. Marks & Spencer says its is on the shelves the day it is squeezed, is unpasteurised and has a shelf life of eight days from bottling.


Our modern taste for fresh green veg and salads at all times of the year (we import more than 60 per cent of all we eat) has led to an immense technological effort on the part of producers, and more dubious bending of the word ‘fresh’.
Fresh green beans, broccoli and peas from Africa or asparagus from South America that have been air-freighted generally reach the shelves within a week of picking, though they can be up to ten days old.
Sainsbury’s says it manages the job with beans from Kenya in three to four days and broccoli in five days.
Baking potatoes have often been around for six months.
Despite requests from consumer groups, no retailer has ever agreed to print packing or picking dates on the potato labels.
Outside the summer months, most salad vegetables and tomatoes travel by truck from Holland or Spain, where they are grown in giant climate-controlled greenhouses.
Salad leaves and spinach are washed in chlorine and then stored in ‘modified atmosphere’ packaging, slowing the rate at which the fresh leaves rot. Typically, salad from Spain is in the shops four days after picking.
These details do not have to be mentioned on the label.


Oranges and lemons are generally coated in a thin film of wax to stop them from being damaged during shipping and to make them look shiny and attractive.
So are many apples; despite the orchards that once covered the country, we now import three-quarters of all we eat.
These will be shipped from all over the world in refrigerated containers, often using special gases to delay over‑ripening, and it can be as much as six months before they reach the shelves.
Bananas from Central America take at least 11 days to reach Britain by ship. So they will be picked when still green, and on arrival treated with ethylene gas — a plant hormone which occurs naturally in fruit but is artificially introduced to ripen it.
Dangerous in high concentrations, artificially-made ethylene is believed to be harmless in the quantities used for the fruit we eat.
The plastic bags in which bananas arrive help preserve them even longer — up to 25 days.
Grapes are most often imported from Egypt. By the time they reach the shelves, they will be between four and ten days off the vines, depending on whether they were sent by air or sea.


‘Dairy-fresh’ milk means very little.
Straight from the cow, milk starts to separate and deteriorate within hours. To enable it to survive in the shop and then your fridge, ordinary fresh milk has its fat levels altered and is then pasteurised  — heated to more than 70 degrees centigrade — to remove bacteria.
This means it will usually be 48 hours old by the time it reaches the shop, but it stays drinkable for three days in the fridge or up to a week if unopened.
However, the process destroys vitamin C and many of the nutrients present in ‘raw’ milk.  
New technology that removes organisms with microscopic filters allows some milk to be sold as usable for up to 21 days if unopened. Manufacturers such as Cravendale call this product ‘fresher tasting’ — but is that the same as ‘fresh’?
Courtesy : AP