Craving: Chocolate
What your body wants: Magnesium
What you should eat: Nuts, seeds, dark green vegetables and fruit
Craving: Sugary foods and drinks
What your body wants: Chromium, tryptophan and phosphorus
What you should eat: Dark green vegetables, chicken, cheese, grapes, sweet potato, eggs, nut and grains
Craving: Bread and pasta
What your body wants: Protein and nitrogen
What you should eat: Red meat, beans, chia seeds, fatty fish
Craving: Oily or fried foods
What your body wants: Calcium
What you should eat: Green leafy vegetables, lentils, organic milk and cheese
Craving: Salty foods
What your body wants: Chloride and silicon
What you should eat: Cashew nuts, seeds, fatty fish and goat's milk