Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Do you know this secret ?

It is so yummy to have chocolates after dinner.And I just finished my last Hershey's from fridge. Even though I follow diet I can't resist the temptation of Chocolates. You must be wondering why I am still thinking of Choco eggs and chocolates , yes there is a little secret behind it..

I was following diet and kept myself engaged with work and gym and games for past few months with great expectations that I will loose my weight and will reach my target of kg by May 31st 2014. (Jan 1st Resolution)

With few days to my target date I just checked my weights at my GP , general practitioner today evening and the  results made me upset I should say very upset. My weight is not even starts in 50's :(.

In one of the consulting section bupa dietitian asked me to write down all I had for a week and we analysed it together, yes I had lots of  food at odd times, no non veg, lots of caffeine, sugars, and chocolates, some spicy food etc.

So here is the secret , see how long you need to workout if you are eating chocolates just like me,

I am not against Chocolates or any brands but theses are my findings in day to day life.

Even though I exercise regularly my body kept absorbing the sugar in my diet and my exercise was not enough to break down already deposited fat in my body.

If I am stressed out or feeling cold / depressed I found comfort in my teas and I ended up having 10-12 teas a day with each tea having at least 20 gm of sugar per tea.

So dietitian advised to cut down the sugars, chocolates and donuts and cupcakes and fried items...

Advised to follow this diet more green colored vegetables and more fiber in food. 

My appointment with dietitian was linked to my Bupa Medical insurance from my employer, but there are many useful things in Bupa's site, please check yourself here

Hope this helps you as well.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Healthy way to shop for groceries

Understanding these principles in theory is an important first step toward healthier eating. But principles mean little unless they shape how you actually shop and eat. 
Given that the grocery store is where good intentions so often go amiss, here are some practical tips for healthier, stress-free grocery shopping. 
Plan your meals and make a list

Impulse purchases are one of the most common downfalls for the would-be healthy eater.  
Don't shop hungry

This is common advice, especially for those trying to lose weight. (Shopping with a basket, not a cart, can also be a great way to stop yourself from loading up on things you don't need.)
Shop at the farmers market first

I'm a big advocate for local, fresh, sustain-ably grown foods. 

Learn to read nutrition labels

Understanding how much protein, fiber, carbohydrates or fat you and your family should be consuming is an important part of eating more healthily. . 

A sample Groceries list :) enjoy ---- Click to enlarge 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Pot Belly

Belly basics

Studies have shown that a pot belly surfaces due to four reasons — genetics, food, stress and hormones. Heredity plays a key role in how easily you will grow one. You may be genetically predisposed to pile on kilos on your upper body (stomach) or lower body (hips, buttocks and legs). Your waist-to-hip ratio and the absolute waist circumference determine the severity of central obesity. Scientists maintain that our bodies weren't ever equipped to handle the calorie-heavy, over processed foods that are commonplace today. While potbellies, also known as beer bellies, are usually believed to be a result of drinking, sugar is also a culprit.

A pot-bellied person may be eating too many simple carbohydrates, such as those found in processed sugary foods, which, when not burnt, turn into fat. Stress from a bad workplace, an unhappy relationship or a difficult academic life triggers our bodies to produce high levels of cortisol, which drives up our appetite and makes us overeat, the fat again seeking shelter in our abs. Indian men have higher concentration of this enzyme in the abdomen and hence are pot-bellied." Besides, with age, a fall in sex hormones also causes men and women to develop a paunch.

Bust it 

There's more bad news. It's next to impossible to actually target and spot-bust fat pockets. Crunches, for instance, tone the back and ab muscles and yet do little to burn the belly fat.

However, the upshot is that since visceral fat is metabolically active, it's the first type to burn off if you exercise regularly. If you can't find the time or inclination to work out, using stairs instead of elevators and getting off the bus one stop earlier and walking it up are simple ways to keep your fat meter in check. Studies show you can lose weight four times quicker by adding light bursts of exercise — up to 30 minutes in total — into your daily schedule.

Food wise

Even a small change can make a big difference in losing, maintaining or gaining weight on the stomach. So ditch the junk for a fruit when you feel like snacking.

Lesser-known foods that fight visceral fat are beans and spinach, as they make you feel full. Adding a dash of turmeric to your food fights fat and so does sprinkling some cinnamon, black pepper and mustard. Stay away from diets as they play havoc with the metabolism and the reduced caloric intake propels it to go into starvation mode.
With men, the first invitation to a pot belly is drinking, especially whiskey and beer which are notorious for storing fat. Eating late or binge-eating with alcohol help the paunch grow.

Also, 80 per cent of Indians have irritable bowel syndrome and many develop stress-related constipation and bloated stomach due to either eating the wrong food or at the wrong time or both. Eat more veggies, fruit and probiotic curds to stay light. Don't overindulge and give the carbs a miss at night. Instead, eat small meals every two hours, six-seven times a day.

Spot reduction or specific exercises can't help you get rid of pot bellies. But for those who can't take time out for work outs, swimming for 30 to 45 minutes helps a lot as do skipping or jogging for 20 minutes. Once the body is warmed up after, say a run, sit-ups, legraises and crunches for at least 50 counts will discipline the belly and the body as well.