
Monday, March 1, 2021

Russian Hot Chocolate

Serves 2

Enough of your milk of choice to fill two mugs (I use semi skimmed organic cows milk) 

  1. 1 fresh red chilli
  2. 50g of fairtrade dark chocolate
  3. 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  4. 1 tsp honey
  5. 1 pinch ground ginger
  6. Entirely optional – a pinch of vanilla infused sea 

Please  microwave to melt the chocolate or  just grate the chocolate and chuck it straight into the warm milk (it will just take a little bit longer to dissolve). I have included two methods here – one for chilli fiends and one that is a little more restrained.

Method 1 - 😋Delicately warming😋
Make two incisions down the sides of your red chilli but not enough to cut it in half or expose the seeds. Put the chilli, milk and spices into a pan and warm gently for five minutes. Melt the chocolate in the microwave on a low heat. Add the honey and melted chocolate to the milk and heat gently for another ten minutes until the milk thickens slightly. Remove the chilli before serving.

Method 2 – 💥Seriously spicy💥
Cut the chilli in half and remove the seeds. Put one chilli half and all of the milk and spices into a pan and warm gently for five minutes. Melt the chocolate in the microwave on a low heat. Remove the chilli from the milk. Add in the honey and melted chocolate and heat gently for another ten minutes until the milk thickens slightly.

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