
Thursday, January 17, 2019

The planetary health diet

Scientists have been trying to figure out how we are going to feed billions more people in the decades to come. You can still have a couple of portions of fish and the same of chicken a week, but plants are where the rest of your protein will need to come from. The researchers are recommending nuts and a good helping of legumes (that's beans, chickpeas and lentils) every day instead.If you served it all up this is what you would be allowed each day:

1.     Nuts - 50g a day
2.    Beanschickpeaslentils and other legumes - 75g a day
3.     Fish - 28g a day
4.     Eggs - 13g a day (so one and a bit a week)
5.     Meat - 14g a day of red meat and 29g a day of chicken
6.     Carbs - whole grains like bread and rice 232g a day and 50g a day of starchy vegetables
7.     Dairy - 250g - the equivalent of one glass of milk
8.     Vegetables -(300g) and fruit (200g)

The diet has room for 31g of sugar and about 50g worth of oils like olive oil.


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