
Friday, December 7, 2018

Defensive Pessimism

Growing up I heard again and again in school especially on Oct 2nd the below words

"Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words," 

But the school didn’t teach me what to do if I have a failure in life even though I have been there Mon-Friday for 12 years of my life …

The fact is human body especially human brain is developed enough to help us with cope with loss of some one dear or a sudden illness for you or in the family.

Defensive Pessimism is a strategic approach to life that help bolsters your physical, emotional and mental health

People who tend to be anxious can benefit from this approach. Defensive pessimism is the process that allows anxious people to do good planning.

The obesity in the UK is at record levels among men, women and children, and that many conditions, like heart disease and diabetes, are linked to being overweight. "Defensive pessimism can help with eating well and exercising regularly,"

A defensive pessimist may realize that high blood pressure and diabetes runs in his or her family, and in turn exercise and eat a healthy diet to try to avoid those diseases.

Some times taking that umbrella with you is defensive pessimism.

Think about the below things and keep a journal of your answers in your diary and see each day how decision's change

1.     What is your goal?
2.     What would be the most positive outcome?
3.     What action will I take to reach this goal?
4.     What is the biggest obstacle?
5.     When and where is the obstacle most likely to occur?
6.     What can I do to prevent the obstacle?
7.     What specific thing will I do to get back to my goal when this obstacle happens?

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(Read top to bottom)

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