
Friday, July 6, 2018

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is the on-demand delivery of compute power, database storage, applications, and other IT resources through a cloud services platform via the internet with pay-as-you-go pricing.

The best way to start with that is to compare it to traditional IT computing. Where on-premises on our own networks, we would at some point have a capital investment in hardware. So think of things like having a server room constructed, getting racks and then populating those racks with equipment. With things like telecom equipment, routers, switches, servers, storage arrays, and so on. Then, we have to account for powering that equipment. We then have to think about HVAC, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, to make sure that we've got optimal environmental conditions to maximize the lifetime of our equipment. Then there's licensing. We have to license our software. We have to install it, configure it and maintain it over time, including updates. So with traditional IT computing, certainly there is quite a large need for an IT staff to take care of all of our on-premises IT systems.

But with cloud computing, at least with public cloud computing, we are talking about hosted IT services. Things like servers and related storage, and databases, and web apps can all be run on provider equipment that we don't have to purchase or maintain. So in other words, we only pay for the services that are used. And another part of the cloud is self-provisioning, where on-demand, we can provision, for example additional virtual machines or storage. We can even scale back on it and that way we're saving money because we're only paying for what we are using. With cloud computing, all of these self-provisioned services need to be available over a network.
In the case of public clouds, that network is the Internet.

But something to watch out for is vendor lock-in. When we start looking at cloud computing providers, we want to make sure that we've got a provider that won't lock us into a proprietary file format for instance. If we're creating documents using some kind of cloud-based software, we want to make sure that data is portable and that we can move it back on-premises or even to another provider should that need arise.

Then there is responsibility. This really gets broken between the cloud provider and the cloud consumer or subscriber, otherwise called a tenant. So the degree of responsibility really depends on the specific cloud service that we're talking about. But bear in mind that there is more responsibility with cloud computing services when we have more control. So if we need to be able to control underlying virtual machines, that's fine, but then it's up to us to manage those virtual machines and to make sure that they're updated.

The hardware is the provider's responsibility. Things like power, physical data center facilities in which equipment is housed, servers, all that stuff. The software, depending on what we're talking about, could be split between the provider's responsibility and the subscriber's responsibility. For example, the provider might make a cloud-based email app available, but the subscriber configures it and adds user accounts, and determines things like how data is stored related to that mail service. Users and groups would be the subscriber's responsibility when it comes to identity and access management.

Working with data and, for example, determining if that data is encrypted when stored in the cloud, that would be the subscriber's responsibility. Things like data center security would be the provider's responsibility. Whereas, as we've mentioned, data security would be the subscriber's responsibility when it comes to things like data encryption. The network connection however is the subscriber's responsibility, and it's always a good idea with cloud computing, at least with public cloud computing, to make sure you've got not one, but at least two network paths to that cloud provider.

AmazonWeb Services ( their own data center facilities and they are responsible for the security of them, as well as physical hardware security like locked server racks. They're responsible for the configuration of the network infrastructure, as well as the virtualization infrastructure that will host virtual machines.

The subscriber would be responsible for things like AMIs. An AMI, or A-M-I, is an Amazon Machine Image, essentially a blueprint from which we create virtual machine instances. We get to choose that AMI when we build a new virtual machine. We, as a subscriber, would also be responsible for applications that we run in virtual machines, the configuration of those virtual machines, setting up credentials to authenticate to the virtual machines, and also dealing with data at rest and in transit and our data stores.

We can see what is managed by AWS customers. So data, applications, depending on what we're configuring, the operating system running in a virtual machine, firewall configurations, encryption. However, what's managed by Amazon Web Services are the underlying foundation services, the compute servers, the hypervisor servers that we run virtual machines on. The cloud also has a number of characteristics. Just because you're running virtual machines, for instance, doesn't mean that you have a cloud computing environment.

A cloud is defined by resource pooling. So, we've got all this IT infrastructure pooled together that can be allocated as needed. Rapid elasticity means that we can quickly provision or de-provision resources as we need. And that's done through an on-demand self-provisioned portal, usually web-based. Broad network access means that we've got connectivity available to our cloud services. It's always available. And measured service means that it's metered, much like a utility, in that we only pay for those resources that we've actually used. So, now we've talked about some of the basic characteristics of the cloud and defined what cloud computing is.

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