
Friday, February 6, 2015

Vitamin-Deficiency Signals

I had muscle and joint paint red acne in my face  for three months now, and I felt tired all the time. The doctor diagnosed me with mild Vitamin D deficiency with just my facial appearance and proved it with blood test.

Yes that was the whole motivation of drafting this article.. Hope it helps you too.. If you are sick body tells you signal and you need to understand it.

A diet rich in processed food is one of the main culprits, it is all the chips and biscuits that you so love strips you off all the essential nutrients you have in your body.
Junk  is mostly `dead food' and seldom has any nutrients to contribute to your health and wellbeing.
If your body is  trying to tell you something listen to it. While fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, pale skin, irregular heartbeats and weight lass are apparent, there are unusual vitamin-deficiency warning signs.

Vitamin symptoms may be subtle at first, but they increase as the deficiency worsens.

Red or white acne like bumps, on the cheeks, arms, thighs and butt .  
DEFICIENT IN: Essential fatty acids and vitamins A and D.

FIX IT: Tank up on the sunshine. Long hours in air-conditioned spaces and pollution make it hard. Even sunscreen lotion prevents absorption. But when it is winter in UK and temperature is -3 degree , you won’t be getting enough sun to boost your deficiency. So look for other options like  consuming fish, sardine, tuna, egg, and green leafy vegetables, more dairy products in your meal.Add salmon and walnuts and almonds, and seeds like ground flax, and chia in your diet. For vitamin A, eat plenty of leafy greens, papaya and colorful veggies like carrots, sweet potatoes, and capsicum. This provides beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A, which your body will use to make the vital nutrient.

2. SIGNAL: Tingling, prickling, and numbness in hands, feet or elsewhere.

DEFICIENT IN:B vitamins like folate (B9), B6, and B12. It's a problem directly related to the peripheral nerves and where they end in the skin. These symptoms can be combined with anxiety, depression, anaemia, fatigue, and hormone imbalances.

FIX IT: You can fix the vitamin B group largely with your diet. Opt for brown rice, millet, wheat germ, nuts, wheat bran sprouted grains. Egg, chicken, mutton, salmon, banana, broccoli, red kidney beans, asparagus, cauliflower, cabbage and all green leafy vegetables.

3. SIGNAL:  Cracks at the corners of your mouth

DEFICIENT IN: Iron, zinc, and B vitamins like niacin (B3), riboflavin (B2), and B12. It's common if you're a vegetarian to not get enough iron, zinc, and B12. Likewise, if you're skimping on essential immunity-building protein because of excess dieting.

FIX IT: Eat more poultry, salmon, tuna, eggs, chicken, tomatoes, peanuts, and lentils. Iron absorption is enhanced by vitamin C, which helps fight infection. Combine these foods with broccoli, and cauliflower. Ensure that you also eat dairy products like yoghurt, paneer and ghee.

4. SIGNAL: Muscle cramps in the form of throbbing pain in toes, calves, arches of feet, and backs of legs

DEFICIENT IN: Magnesium, calcium, and potassium. If it's happening frequently, it's a sign that you're lacking in these. And if you're training hard, you can lose more minerals (and water-soluble B vitamins) through heavy sweating.

FIX IT: To fix potassium, have oranges, bananas, peanuts, beans, coconut water. For magnesium, go for dark green leafy vegetable, nuts and soybean. Almonds, figs, carrots, raisins, brown rice, cashew are rich sources of calcium.

5. SIGNAL: Red, scaly rash on your face and excessive loss of hair

DEFICIENT IN: Biotin (B7), known as the hair vitamin. While your body stores fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), it doesn't store most B vitamins, which are water soluble. Also, eating raw eggs makes you vulnerable, because a protein in raw eggs called avidin inhibits the body's ability to absorb biotin.

FIX IT: Cooked eggs (cooking deactivates avidin), salmon, avocados, mushrooms, cauliflower, soybeans, nuts, and bananas.
Choosing vitamin instead of good food is not advisable but as a supplement in I think we can have it before deficiency worsens.

  1. Vitabiotics Well woman is my choice 
  2. Seven Seas Codliver Oil is also my choice in my daily life 
  3. I think if you are someone around my mum’s age then Well woman 50+ will be good  

Bu if you are not sure of your symptoms or having any other medical condition please consult your doctor/physician /GP before having supplements.

And here is the quick summary :-

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