
Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanks Giving ~ 2014

This year has been a roller-coaster ride, as is life for each and every single one of us.  I have seen, done and experienced more than many and I am eternally grateful for.

But the one thing it has been important  is I am independent.

Slowly but surely I managed to wean myself away from the idea and notion that I needed someone else…

I tried to understand myself better, understand my limits and expectations, handle my emotions so that now nearly nothing can phase me, and challenge myself so I’m never left wandering what I could have been capable of in life again.

Life offers you a priceless opportunity in every single moment to see and experience Who You Really Are.  Seize it! 

Sometimes we get completely lost in trying to live life for others, trying to meet their expectations, doing things just to impress them. 

Take a moment now and stop yourself. Are you doing things because you truly believe in them?

Or is that because of someone else in your life is telling you to do ? Remember your own needs and goals. Remember who YOU are.

Live, do and love so that you are happy too, because when it comes down to it, you can’t be true to others unless you are true to yourself first.

Promise to stop the drama before it begins, to breathe deeply and peacefully, and to love others and yourself without conditions. Promise to laugh at your own mistakes, and to realize that no one is perfect; we are all human.

If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them, for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being  you.

Don’t let the wrong people from your past keep you from the right people in your present.  Forgive and move forward

Regardless of whether you are in love, hate love, long for love or really just don’t even think about it at this point in your life, the most important relationship you will ever have is with yourself.

And to learn to love yourself first will inevitably lead to the ‘right’ kind of love in the long run.

You will in turn become the truest and most happy version of yourself.

You will know what you like as well as what you don’t like and you will be confident enough on your likes/dislikes/thoughts/beliefs to be able to stand by them.

You will have your own opinion. You will fight for that opinion in a healthy discussion, rather than side with another’s view simply because you aim to please them.

By loving yourself you allow yourself to be loved for who you are… not who you intend to be.

Just like our fashion sense, physical appearance and musical preference changes over the years, so do our feelings toward people we love and have loved. 

Change is healthy. Its natural and evolutionary; it makes life interesting.

Every one of us is fighting our own private battles.

The strongest among us aren’t those who show strength but those who have won incredible inner battles we know nothing about.

Always remember that the words and actions you choose can only be forgiven, not forgotten. 

If you sit around for too long blaming others for the things they did or didn’t do, or know or didn’t know, you’ll remain sitting in one spot until you pass. 

Placing blame is easy, because it means you don’t have to do anything.

Living  every instant is important life injects many opportunities into your story, into your relationships, and ultimately makes you moves  forward.

Persistence pays off, from rejection letters  through to controversies, backlashes and ‘haters’, there will be  more challenges around every corner as you continue to conquer new targets.

But for every one bad egg in the world, there are 20 (or more) good ones.

Remember, your failure does not define you, your determination does

Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, smarter than before.

Tomorrow is a new day. 

You shall begin it peacefully and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with old nonsense.

& that’s what I learned this year.

Happy Thanks Giving 2014...

I am taking a break for holidays and some other entertainments in life so wishing you all a Very Happy Christmas in Advance and see you next year 

..take care

Love and Regards


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