
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Happy Saturday !

May 17th 2014 

This post is a random one on a special day of my life.
This wasn’t planned or expected and there is special thanks  to family for sharing ! Loving me ! and reminding me we are a family ! even though we are miles away.
Today I wanted to write about one of my favorite quotes which applies to me.

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” – Dr. Suess

I think the problem with many people my age is that we can’t be ourselves. And I’m not saying I’m not involved in this because I am. People think too much into what other people think about them. And they shouldn’t. You should be yourself. Don’t live to impress others.

“Say what you feel.” I admit sometimes I am afraid to say what I really feel. And so is everyone else. It makes sense. What if we say something wrong? What if people make fun of us? What if they talk about us? We need to just stop worrying about it all. In my personnel experience I lost some years of my life because of this fear. 

I know I or you can't changes things in one night, but if we need to change some thing, the process should start within yourself - your mind. If you can't imagine the change or can't imagine what you want to be in life , no body can't help you.
There will be small or big windows opportunities in your situations, open your eyes, catch the opportunities and move forward.

If you act like yourself, people will judge. People will hate. You cannot please everyone. If somebody doesn't like you for you, makes fun of what you say, then they aren't worth talking to. Don’t over think the people who mind what you say. Don’t change yourself to show off to somebody else. It doesn’t matter what others think. But dress up properly or do things matters based on your location.

My fear of others keep reminds me of a funny cartoon of PUGH.There was a  time in my life that I used to cover my face with books, or near by newspaper in public places and colleges just to get rid of the people I dont like / scared of what they say.

I am sure you will also have this kind of funny moments in life, share it and we will have a laugh together :)

Today, I turn 31.

When I was little, I used to think people in their 30s were really old. Now that I’m in my 30s, that perspective has quickly shifted. Life is short. Live it the way that will make you happy.Thanks to all friends and family who wished me, let us thank technology for making this happen.

Have a good day folks... it is 23 degree's here in London, kind of warmest day of the year so far and most of all I am in my dream city of childhood.

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