Showing posts with label Snake Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snake Love. Show all posts

Friday, December 18, 2015

Snake Love

There once was a woman who had a pet snake that she loved very much. 
The snake was about 7 feet long and one day it just stopped eating. 
After several weeks of trying everything she could to get the snake to eat, the woman took it to the vet. 
The woman explained the situation to the vet and he asked her,
 "Has your snake been sleeping with you at night or snuggling really close and stretching himself out?
" The woman replied, "Yes he's been doing it everyday and it makes me so sad that I can't help him feel better."
The vet says "Ma'am your snake is not sick, he has been preparing to eat you. 
He's been sizing you up everyday so he knows how big he has to be, and not eating so he has enough room to digest you.
Moral of the story: 
You've gotta recognize the snakes out there in your life.
Just because they seem close to you  it doesn't mean their intentions are good.
 Even Judas gave the first kiss.